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Instructions to Authors

Manuscripts are written in English. They have to be typewritten on one side of A4 standard paper, double-spaced with 3 cm margins and submitted in triplicate (one original and two copies). After the manuscript has been accepted for publication, the authors will not be permitted to make any additions.


Manuscript pages should be presented in the following order: (i) Title, (ii) Abstract, (iii) Text, (iv) Conclusions, (v) References and footnotes (combined), (vi) Figures and Tables captions, (vii) Figures and (viii) Tables. All pages should be numbered and do not embed Figures and Tables in Text.




The title should be short and informative and do not use acronyms. The first manuscript page should also include name(s) of the author(s), name and address of the author’s institution.




The abstract should be self-contained and state as specifically and as quantitatively as possible all essential points of the paper as well as the principal results obtained. It should be within 200 words and does not repeat information given in the Title.



Principal sections should be typed in bold and numbered consecutively (1. Introduction, 2. Experimental ……etc.). Subsections may be numbered (2.1. Sample preparation, 2.2. Sample characterization … etc.). Define acronyms when first used in text.




References should be numbered sequentially in the order they are first referred in the text. Reference number should be put in square brackets where referred to in the text. References must be listed in numerical order at the end of the manuscript. Citations should be as follows:


i) Articles in periodicals:

  1. Initial(s) and surname of the author(s)

  2. Title of the periodical (italic) in accordance with the “Physics Abstract List of Journals”

  3. Volume in bold and the number between brackets ( )

  4. First page number

  5. Year of publication in brackets

Example: R. Wassef, A. Ammar and M. K. El-Mously, Egyptian J. Sol. 18 (2), 145 (1995).

ii) Books :

  1. Initial(s) and surname (s) of the author(s),

  2. Title of the book in italic and between marks,

  3. Name of the editor(s)

  4. Name of the publisher

  5. Place and year of publication

  6. Volume number

  7. Page(s) number

Example: G. Hischer and H. Michor, “Studies of high temperature superconductors”, ed. A. V. Narbikar, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 1999, vol. 28, p. 241 or pp. 241-260.

iii) Thesis:

  1. Initial(s) and surname of the author

  2. Type of degree (Ph. D., M. Sc. ,…) in italic.

  3. Name and address of institute where the degree was awarded

  4. Year

Example: A. Mossa, Ph. D. Thesis, Cairo Univ., Fac. of Science, Cairo, Egypt, 1999.


5- Footnotes:


Footnotes should be short and do not contain any important part of the work. They should be combined and listed with the references in the order they are referred in the text.




The Word table editor should be used to prepare Tables. They should be numbered  consecutively, e.g. (Table 1:),  and must have a caption.


Duplicate presentation of the same information in both Tables and Figures is to be avoided, as is redundancy with the text.




Illustrations (drawing, photograph…etc) should be numbered (Figure 1:) consecutively and must have a caption. All captions must also be given on separate paper.


(a) Format :


Final figures should be provided in separate files prepared using Post Script, encapsulated Post Script or TIFF formate. In case of bitmap, the resolution should be a minimum of 600 d.p.i. Use the first author's family name and figure number as file name, e.g. Mohamed_Fig. 2.jpg.


(b)   Size :


Diagrams should be as small as possible, so that the greatest width including lettering is less than the width of the page in the journal (12.0 cm). Original illustrations that do not need to be reduced will yield the best quality.


(c) Lettering and Symbols :


Fine-scale details and lettering must be large enough to be clearly legible. All characters within an illustration should be at least 2-3 mm in height if the whole diagram has been reduced to 12.0 cm width. Lettering should be kept to a minimum; descriptive matter should be placed in the legand. Ensure that nothing is hand-drawn or hand-labelled in the Figures. A list of the legends (Figure captions) should be included in the manuscript.




Appendices must be typed on separate paper.


9- Computer Disk:


Before the manuscript is accepted for publication, submission of a revised disk copy (Office 2000) is required.

This Web site for The Egyptian Materials Research Society (Eg-MRS)
(Former: The Egyptian Society of Solid State Science)

Copyright © 2004 The Egyptian Materials Research Society (Eg-MRS) & Maher Ahmed