The XXIII Conference on Solid  State Science &
 Workshop on Physics and Application Potential of Functional Ceramic Thin Films

Sharm Al-Shiekh - Sinai - Egypt

28 Sept. - 2 Oct.  2002

Invited Speakers


1- Prof. Dr. H-U. Habermeier (Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung,  Stuttgart, Germany):                                                                   

i)“Epitaxial strain in functional ceramic thin films - physics and application potential”. 

ii)“Ferromagnetic/Superconductor all oxide superlattices and  heterostructures”.

2- Prof. Dr. B. Raveau (Laboratoire CRISMAT  UMR 6508 CNRS, ISMRA, CAEN Cedex, France):

    i) "The impact of Mn-site doping upon magnetotransport properties of manganites".
   ii) "Correlations between magnetotransport properties and structural effects in      manganite thin films". 

3-  Prof. Dr. A. Barone (Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Università di Napoli "Federico II", Piazzale Tecchio n°80, I-80125 Napoli,  Italy):

    i) "The Josephson effect as a probe of fundamental issues of superconducting    materials”.

   ii) "Unconventional aspects of high-Tc superconductors”.

4- Prof. Dr. A. Hermann (Colorado, USA):
    Lectures are not specified yet.
5- Prof. Dr.  O. G. Symko (Dept. of Physics, Utah Univ., USA):
    Lectures are not specified yet.
6- Prof. Dr. J. Cornish (Physics and Energy Studies, Division of Science, Murdoch    
                                      University, Australia):

    i) "A review of amorphous silicon technology".

   ii) "Studies of hydrogen incorporation and its role in hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin films for photovoltaic cells".