Abstracts for oral or poster presentations are no longer than one page (B5) with 2.5 cm margins, singles spaced and in Times New Roman. The title is centered and given in font 16 (bold) and the first letter in each word is given in capital letters. The author(s) name(s) is (are) centered and given in font 14 (bold). The institutional affiliation of each author is centered and given in font 11. The corresponding author is designated with an asterisk and his/her e-mail is given as a footnote. The body of the abstract is given in font 12. Tables, figures or references are not needed. It is advised to load the abstract with as much information as possible (not less than 100 words).

·   Abstracts must be submitted online (info@egmrs.org) by February 15th, 2005. Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference booklet.

·   Papers can be published in “The Egyptian Journal of Solids” after being refereed according to the regular procedure.